Qatar's Emir visits Tehran to discuss funding for Iran Revolutionary Guards, a designated terrorist organization

An Israeli report revealed that Qatar has been financing Iran’s Revolutionary Guard corps, even after it being categorized as a terrorist organization by the United States. The US administration stressed that they are looking into these reports in detail and once things become certain, they will be making a public announcement.

Qatar had always been extremely secretive about its ties with the Iranian leaders and this time too, when the Emir visited the capital city, Tehran, it did not open up about the meeting nor did it disclose the details it was seeking to be discussed during the meeting.

Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani has been visiting Tehran at every opportunity so that he could meet with the new leadership of the country and discuss the funding process and other requirements of the Revolutionary guards. The reports about Qatar funding the terrorist group first surfaced online after the meeting between the US president Joe Biden and Israeli President Reuven Rivlin concluded.

But soon after these reports surfaced, Qatar became conscious about its damage on the image and started working on its reputation management and if it weren’t for the explosive story, Doha would not even have bothered about the news reports. The reports prepared by the Washington Explainer proves other tones of reports that had previously identified Qatar to be funding terrorist organizations around the world.

The explainer claimed that it was the Israel president that told America about the recent funding that Qatar provided to Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards and that has rightly warned the US about the intentions of the country. The US was till now considering Qatar as one of its closest allies in the region. But now, it will not be going down the same road only to know that Qatar was playing with its mind.

Qatar has a dual front especially when it comes to the US. It is well aware of the US influence in the west and hence, when it comes to making promises with the American land, it hardly takes any stand against it but it's true colours only show in the Middle East region, where it continues to shelter and fund organization that have been designated as terrorist bodies by many of the facilities including the US intelligence.

Antony Blinken, the US secretary of State, has earlier said that the US and Qatar are working towards regional peace and after his meeting with  Qatar’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al Thani, the two nations have promised to be working towards better security in the region.

And now the reports claim something that is completely contrary to the Peace programs discussed by the two nations. It has been found to fund IRGC, whose branch named as the Quds Force had reportedly killed over 600 American military personnel's in the Middle East. 

The world is aware of Iran’s hostility towards America and despite the worsening relations between the two nations, Qatar is only concerned with personal gains and hence it is playing its cards in a way that it fits in the good books of both the countries. The leader of Quds force, Qasem Soleimani has been a target of the US intelligence unit since a long time and in January 2020, the US carried out a drone strike in Iraq which had killed Soleimani.

The Qatari diplomats and promoters are trying to downplay the meeting with Iranian leadership by calling it a wish extended to Iran during the occasion of Eid al-Adha on July 22. The internal sources revealed that it was not merely a friendly visit but the meeting was of a high degree importance due to the change of leadership in Iran.

With the newly appointed Iranian president Ibrahim al-Raisi leading the country, a lot in the administration is expected to change especially because Raisu belongs from a highly conservative religious structure. During the meeting, the Emir discussed the funding structure of IRGC.

Raisi had made it clear that if Qatar’s involvement in Revolutionary Guards is revealed, there will be a direct denial from the Iranian side and when the Washington Explainer explosively revealed about this, Qatar had a lot of work in its hand to cover up the damage. The Minister of foreign affairs of Qatar has been sent to America to deal with matters in first hand reference.

But their meeting did not conclude yet. The two leaders also discussed the Talibani takeover of Afghanistan and how Iran will be the new key player in coming years when it comes to the activities of the Afghan land. Given its close relations with the Talibani leader, Qatar has promised Iran that it will be continuing its support to establishing stronger ties between Iran and Afghanistan.

After the countries have announced that they will be retrieving their troops from Afghanistan, Iran is looking for an open ground in Kabul so that it can keep strengthening its relations with Talibani leaders so that it can get a better hold of Afghanistan. Qatar is the nation that is helping Iran reach its destination in exchange for the IRGC, who will be used in action by the Qatari Emir to spread violence and abuse in the region. 
