Adapting to a ‘new normal’ post Coronavirus lockdown

Monica Aggarwal,

he ongoing Coronavirus pandemic has brought dramatic changes in the normal lives of people. From daily routine to government administration, paramount changes in routine functioning have come to light in every part of the world due to the lockdown imposed in the wake of the pandemic outbreak. The steps taken to contain the virus have had some lasting impacts on economic and social aspects of the world including, healthcare, personal hygiene, education sector, technology among others. While scientists in different countries are developing COVID-19 vaccines, governments are preparing exit strategies from the lockdown. However, one thing is evident - people will adapt to a "new normal" in the post Coronavirus lockdown world.

As per medical experts, social distancing and basic hygienic are some of the most important that can be taken to prevent the spread of the virus. Maintaining basic hygiene will become all the way more important for the citizens and the government. Ensuring public hygiene is the need of the hour for all sections of society to curb the spread of infections. People should try to practice social distancing as much as possible and are advised to make masks an essential part of their dress codes while they are venturing out. Social distancing will become essential for people to practice in large gatherings and while traveling through public transport like buses, local trains, and metros. While it is difficult to practice social distancing in public transports, it is important for the government to formalize a strategy for effective social distancing in public transports.

It will take time for normalcy to return in air travels as well. Keeping the norm of physical distancing in practice, airports and flights will ensure a safe distance between passengers. Screening at every security check will become an essential norm. As soon as the operation of passenger flight resumes, airlines will have to ensure reduced capacity to maintain physical distancing between passengers.

The Coronavirus pandemic has paralyzed the healthcare system of the country with medical professionals working around the clock for the protection of the infected people. In the wake of the pandemic, it is of utmost importance for the government to boost the public healthcare infrastructure, especially in rural areas.

Technology has proved to be an essential support system in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. From mobile tracking apps to drone monitoring, technology has helped the government to ensure the safety of the citizens during the lockdown. Governments are required to use advanced technology which will ensure improved monitoring of the implications of the pandemic. Another momentous task at hand for the government is to revive the economy effectively after the Coronavirus outbreak. 

Being a human virus, it is crucial to note that the novel Coronavirus is pervasive and is here to stay. These are only some of the many critical changes that countries across the world will have to become habitual in their "new normal" post-COVID-19 lockdown. 

Meanwhile, the number of Coronavirus infected cases crossed 2 million as per the data by on April 15. Out of these more than 1.3 million are active cases, while over 1,27,000 people have lost their lives to the virus.


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