The Lingering Question About Nasrallah’s Point Over the Issues in Lebanon

I want to share something interesting about what I read today. It’s about what elective truth is Hassan Nasrallah living in? Lebanon is going up on fire, yet the Hezbollah chief lights new flames each time he opens his mouth. 

For me, Nasrallah wraps himself in the robes of public deliverer for bringing ships brimming with Iranian diesel to Lebanese shores. He welcomes residents to cry tears of appreciation for our Persian supporters. In any case, Iran isn't parting with this oil, and since no one else needs to purchase globally endorsed Iranian oil, who is helping out for whom?

Looking at it in typical countries individuals don't feel moved to praise the appearance of diesel big haulers, as though Lebanon were a starved and bug ridden remote location that hadn't seen new water for a half year. Such one-sided stunts only sabotage Lebanon's parliament and organizations, which should be the sovereign gatherings choosing such matters.
